
What our clients have to say about OneTMS

Client Testimonials

  • If I do not tell you enough – I appreciate everything you do for us – you are one in a million! Thanks again.

    Susan K. Dalsasso
    Director, Faculty & Administrative Services - Marquette University School of Dentistry

  • I can’t thank you enough for all the work you did in planning this trip for us – 17 different companies from around the U.S. to Costa Rica. It was very successful and everything went so smoothly once we were there that it was uncanny!

    View reference letter >

    Ann M. Papuga
    President - American Fire Equipment

  • Everything worked out well. You guys did a great job escalating issues immediately, working with each individuals needs, and responding quickly to setting up the flights.

    Lisa Arenas
    Ops Business Analyst, Sr. - Avnet - PBG Operations

  • When I talk to you in any capacity, you make me feel as if ASICS is your only account. I know we are not, but you make me feel that way. That is a sign of great service. Thank you for that.

    Joe Palminteri
    Event Planning Manager - ASICS America Corporation

  • Thank you so much for working with us. You have been so wonderful through this entire process. It's my first time planning something like this. It makes it so much easier when you have amazing people to work with; so thank you!

    Ms. Amber Doggett
    Calvary Church Ski Group, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

  • Thank you for all your hard work with President's Club. You have no idea how grateful I am to you and your team for your hard work and attention to detail.

    Ms. Adriana Rios
    Director – Avnet Events Department

  • I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for making last week’s President’s Club our best ever! Once again, due to your collective efforts, we were successful in elevating the President’s Club brand to new heights. This event continues to be about creating that “once in a lifetime experience” for our winners, and by the comments I’ve received so far, we achieved our goal…and then some! Because of your efforts, the President’s Club continues to stand as our industry’s No. 1 recognition event. Congratulations and thanks again!

    Sean Fanning
    Sr. Vice President Marketing & Communications Worldwide Avnet EM

  • I wanted to say thank you for all that you have done for us, in helping us. We couldn't have asked for better service. Thanks again for everything and looking forward to hearing from you!

    Amber Doggett
    Calvary Church Ski Group, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

  • I want to thank you for your quick responses to my flight itinerary questions. Airline issues and dealing with airlines puts me over the top on these trips. You have handled my concerns and questions admirably. You are truly professionals.

    Mike Durant
    V.P of Marketing Shamrock Foods

  • The ASCA conferenc was absolutely great! Thanks for your efforts.
